After the call I debriefed with my colleague and mentioned that I had done some laundry while on the call. We talked about women's ability to be present in 2 different roles - how we can integrate the different elements of our lives to be more productive.
How handy to be in home mode and professional mode at the same time and to seamlessly transition back and forth. Gift or curse...hard to say. In any case, research shows that men separate their roles more definitively. That they don't move back and forth and can't integrate them.
I think my ability to integrate my different roles is great and special (and the women I work with can totally relate). But for some reason, I don't think men really appreciate this talent. Multitasking with laundry? Probably a serious ding. Would I share this with a man? Not if he weren't my husband - who happens to be thrilled that I can manage this way.
You know what's sad? What we proudly call "Multi-tasking", Millennials call life. Having said that, I think that makes us better than men and younger too! Can I get an "Amen!" Sister!?!