Earlier this week I had breakfast with three women and we somehow ended up sharing our crying at work disasters.
- I remember being in tears arguing with my boss on the phone. He snapped "are you CRYING??? We don't cry in this profession - wash your face and get in here now."
- One senior executive woman told us about being so surprised and angry when told that a male colleague got the promotion that she knew she deserved, she burst into tears. The executive who saw her cry never looked at her the same after that.
- We all talked about trying to hold it together until we were in a safe place. About seeing our colleagues trying to hold it together and not being sure how to deal with it.

I'm usually pretty even tempered and can handle high stress and emotionally charged situations. I find that if I prepare well, I'm less likely to get hit with something that upsets me so I can maintain my calm composure. But then there are those times when something triggers me and I am surprised by the reactions I have.
- What are your triggers?
- What's your worst emotional moment at work?
- How do you handle the emotions?
- What do you do when you see someone about to lose it?
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