This month, Amelia has been spending hours every day asking how to spell words, copying words from books, and writing and writing and writing. When she wakes up, the first thing she does is grab her paper and pencil. She returns to her writing every chance she can.
This weekend she snuck away during dinner to practice her "words." She came back to the table and proudly presented:
A: What's this say?
Me: Grila?
A: YES! (she grinned from ear-to-ear and proudly pointed to her zoo camp shirt with the gorilla on it)I was floored. She did it! Watching the focus, discipline, and time that she dedicated every day to learning... day after day... to finally present her first word written all by herself was DAUNTING!
Nothing stopped her. It didn't matter that it wasn't spelled right... that it wasn't neat and tidy... that other people wrote better, faster, and prettier. She was so proud of herself that she got it. All by herself.

If I could get rid of that inner voice that tell me it is hard, that it isn't worth it, that I am going to look silly, that someone else already knows how to do it (and they are better anyway)...
This is a reminder to open up to possibilities. It is OK to look like a beginner.